Terms of use

  • Our e-Learning training courses are designed for single-learner use only. Each purchased enrollment may be used for a single individual. Upon completion, the user will be provided with a certificate of completion reflecting their name and date.
  • Users are provided with 30 days from their user login activation date to complete their training. An extension period of one week can be requested at no additional charge (please contact Support).
  • Buyers are granted access to their e-learning course(s) upon purchase. Therefore, e-learning courses purchased through our store are nonrefundable.


Compliance Training Group - User Information and System Requirements:

If additional assistance is needed, please email us at support@compliancetraininggroup.com , or call 800-591-9741.

Recommended Browsers & Mobile Apps:

  • HTML5
    • Windows: Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
    • Mac: Safari (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
    • Mobile: Safari in Apple iOS 10 or later, Google Chrome in Apple iOS 10 or later, Google Chrome in Android OS 4.4 or later
  • System
    • Internet connection with 500+ Kbps with consistent and uninterrupted connectivity, capable of streaming audio and video.
    • Pop-up Blockers Disabled
    • JavaScript Enabled
    • Cookies Enabled
    • Speakers or headphones